Ian Jones
Ian is a nurse who has worked at various cardiac centres in the UK. He is currently Professor of Cardiovascular Nursing at a North West University and has three children, all who have played for the club. He joined Lammack Juniors in 2004, coaching his daughters’ team until they reached open-age. In 2012, he was asked to coach and subsequently manage the women’s first team, gaining promotion from the Lancashire County league in 2013 with manager Nigel Dixon and then leading them to the North West Women’s’ Division 1 title in 2014. He has been a member of the club’s executive committee since 2007 and when the club’s inaugural Chairman, Nigel Dixon retired in 2017 he agreed to take on the role. Ian strives to lead the club into a new era whilst maintaining the ethos upon which it has been built.

Greg Worswick
Club Secretary
Greg first joined the club in May 2007 becoming the manager of his son’s team, a role he only retired from in 2019 when the boys reached open-age. The forensic attention to detail that serves him so well in his professional life as a Senior Composites Inspector made him the obvious choice to become the club’s Secretary in April 2011. His professional manner and his steadfast desire to play by the rules means that the he, and by association the club, have earned great respect within the football community. Having managed his son’s team for 12 years and more recently the ELFA inter-league team, Greg is now a source of support and advice for all the club’s junior managers and the first point of contact for our local leagues and the Football Association.

Steph Worswick
Steph first joined the club as social secretary in 2009 and was responsible for organising many of the social functions that our players and families still fondly remember. More recently, she became the club’s subscriptions coordinator and managed to halve the subscriptions deficit within twelve months (If only the Chancellor had managed to do the same). She therefore seemed the obvious choice to take on the role of Treasurer when the post became available in 2018. Working with former Treasurer and club accountant, Debbie Riley, Steph has already put plans in place to ensure the long-term prosperity of the club.

Sanam Saleh
Club Accountant
Sanam has been involved in the club since 2021 when her son first played in our junior kickers’ sessions. A qualified ICAS Chartered Accountant and Tax Professional, Sanam is the ideal person to be our club treasurer.

Michael Coar
Kit and equipment coordinators
Michael has been involved in the club as a coach for ten years. He has recently joined the committee and is responsible for managing our equipment and kit.

John Warner
Kit and equipment coordinators
John has been involved in the club as a coach for ten years. He has recently joined the committee and is responsible for managing our equipment and kit.

Beth Moss
Girls Football Lead
Beth has been involved in the club since 2017 when she joined us a player. It soon became clear that she had a great relationship with younger players and she set up a new girls team that she went on to manage. Beth then became the club’s General Manager where she was responsible for developing a number of new teams. This success meant that Beth was in demand and she left the role to take up a position with a professional club. However, Beth has continued to support the club as the lead for girls football in her free time.

Clare Farndon
Clare has been involved in the club since 2018 when her son joined our Junior Kickers’. She then took on the role of Team Coordinator to support the coaches in her son’s team and she enjoyed it so much she volunteered to join the committee. Clare is currently undertaking the appropriate courses to become the club’s Child Welfare Officer in the future
Debbie Davies
Ability Football Counts Coordinator
Debbie first joined the club in 2006 where she was one of the founding members of the club’s disability section. She has a background in disability sport and works for Bolton Wanderers in the Community.

Ben Worswick
General Manager
Ben has been with the club since 2007 when he joined us as a 6 year old. He played until he was 18 when he moved to our partner club, the Old Blackburnians. After completing a degree in Sports Coaching he returned to support our women’s first team and subsequently became the club’s General Manager.